1. Upload the three (3) inspiration images to your Blog (or link to your Photobucket account). Explain why you selected the inspiration pieces.
2. Include the analysis and description (art criticism steps) of the three (3) inspiration pieces.
3. Upload images of your sketchs and finished piece.
4. Explain how you used the Elements and Principles in your finished mask.
5. Share your opinion of your finished mask and what you thought about creating the mask.
Iron Man Mask
This form looks to be comprised of three pieces. A U shaped golden outer faceplate on top of red shell with large horizontal slits for eyes which are backlight. The second piece is the mouth piece which has a slight w shaped to it. That too has golden plate over a red shell, that being the third piece. And according to canon the mask is made out of a golden-titanium alloy.
This mask has pretty simple design to it, but has a lot going for it. The red and yellow color scheme creates a nice contrast between the two primary colors. The eyes also give off a slight blue hue to them creating a trifecta of primary colors. Speaking of the eyes, they are the center point of this piece. That and the mouth give this "face" a serious look to it.
Spider-man Mask
This mask is red with strands of "spider web" emanating from between the eye pieces. The eye pieces are shark fined in shape. Also if you look closely you'll see that the fabric is comprised of tiny hexagonal cells.
Once again the eyes are the center point for this piece as they create a contrast between the white/silver reflective material and the red fabric. They webbing creates symmetry throughout the piece with it's geometrical pattern. However the size the web cells differs all over creating some variety throughout the piece. Also notice that there is not mouth, giving main focus to the eyes. The sharp edges of the eyes give this "face" a serious tone.
Witch King Mask
This mask appears to be made of iron or some sort of metal. The piece fits on the head in the shape of a crown in that the top of the head is cut out so that it slides over. In the front of the mask extrudes a big long point that is edged almost like a sword. Across the forehead and extruding all around the skull of the piece are a pair of spikes. The top spike protruding at a 45 degree angle and the other spike sticking out longer horizontally. This piece also has long chin jetting out to a sharp point, with a symmetrical mouth opening.
This piece is meant to work with the negative space utilizing both the mouth and eye holes as well as the protruding spikes the run across the forehead. This piece has a very sharped edged theme about it. I also noticed that this piece is vertically symmetrical. The texture of this piece also seems to look rusted giving this piece also a serious feel to it
This form is spherical in shape, with triangular shaped eyes toward the top of the piece. This piece is made out of paper mache and is spray painted green with a little bit of black as it gradually moves downward. There are also several silver stripes running across the piece.
This piece is very simple in nature, the form is simply spherical but not completely smooth surface creating a little bit of conflict, because usually with spherical objects we generally think of them as being smooth. Also notice that there is no mouth piece; just eyes as the negative space is what attracts you in this piece. Also there is so gradation in the design as it goes from green to dark green/black creating some variety within the piece
Well as you can see my final piece looks a lot different from my original design. My original design I wanted it to look more like the witch kings mask. As I was making the paper mache though, I started to notice that the mask was starting to resemble a turtle shell which get my into a thought process leading me to think of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so I just decided to go with the flow and try and make a ninja turtle themed mask, having the mask be a turtle shell. As I was painting it though I ran out of green which would have been fine if the tape hadn't removed chunks of it, when I went to go paint on the grooves of the shell. So again I had to improvise, and so I just spray painted black in the exposed spots. Overall I'm not really too happy with the turn out. It was my first time working with paper mache in ten years, and in the end I just didn't have the patience to deal with it anymore. I feel like the mask resemble more of mask from Bionicle.
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